
Foaled: April 17, 2008 Height: 31 1/2" Color: Dark Red
Karl and I are very happy to have added Drama Queen to our red herd. She has a star on her forehead and very light points. She also has many white hairs throughout her coat. She comes from a line of breeding that often produces white on the face. Her legs are straight and her build is the boxy, muscular type that we love. Drama Queen had produced many beautiful foals including champions FHF Adelma and FHF Cornelia.
Sire: Windcrest Firefly, 30 ½", Dark Red
Dam: Pixie of Bell E. Acres, 29 1/2", Brown

Foaled: June 29, 2002 Height: 30 3/4" Color: Red
We simply fell in love with Glow during a visit to Joe and Dayle Haworth's Half Ass Acres farm in Tennessee. She was not even for sale! I don't know how, but we convinced the Haworths to let us have Glow and add her to our herd. She is just the perfect round, boxy jennet with the sweetest eye, claiming the spot of one of our favorites. She is a proven jennet. We look forward to many years with her and her beautiful foals.
Sire: Jalan's Carolina Red, 32", Red
Dam: Sunset Acres Sweet Muffy, 32", Red
Amore Chocolates Mocha

Foaled: June 3, 2013 Height: 31 3/4" Color: Brown with Light Points
Mocha is very feminine with a beautiful head and interesting leg garters. We purchased her bred to Fisher's Painted Nebo, small brown and white spotted jack. She had an adorable little jack foal, FHF Finn in 2020 and a small spotted jack foal by Kryptonite, Enzo, in 2021. Mocha is bred to Nite for an early 2023 foal.
Sire: Christmas Cracker Jack, 30", Brown
Dam: D&D Miss Chocolate, 31", Brown

Foaled: May 14, 2005 Height: 31" Color: Light Red
This jennet really stands out in the field with her light red, almost pink coat and dark cross. We often take her to special events. She has the perfect personality for mixing with kids and adults. She is extremely tolerant and sweet.
Sire: Short Assets Dakota, 30 1/4", Red/Brown
Dam: Donkette Korral Cleopatra, 33", Gray

Foaled: October 13, 2007 Height: 32" Color: Very Dark Brown with Light Points
Mystic has outstanding bloodlines. She is stocky, wide and correct. She definitely gets noticed with her beautiful head. Mystic's first foal was FHF Beatrice, a truly solid black jennet, 19" tall and 19 lbs. at birth. She has been producing small, correct foals for us.
Sire: My World Winston, 31 1/2", Light Red
Dam: My World Dory-A-05, 32 ¼", Red

Foaled: 7.17.13 Height: 29" Color: Black NLP
Little Beatrice has the biggest attitude of all of our donkeys. Don't try petting any other donkey in her pen because she will come in between you and the other donkey so that you need to pet her instead! She is a true black with no cross and NLP. Her head is beautiful with long, expressive ears.
Sire: Wit's End Badland's Marauder, 30 1/4", Black
Dam: Flight of Fancy Mystic, 32", Very Dark Brown

Foaled: 2.19.15 Height: 32" Color: Dark Brown and White Spotted
Paris came to us all the way from Itsy Bitsy Burro Company in Texas as a yearling along side her dam. She has a wonderfully calm way about her. Nothing seems to rattle her. So, we started long lining her and Stacey Radkovitch and Dave Bradham had her hitched to a cart in no time at all. In 2019 we ventured all the way to the Great Donkey and Mule Celebration in Shelbyville, TN. Stacey Lackman showed her and is pictured above earning Reserve Champion High Point Miniature Donkey Green. Paris has had one jack foal with a white spot on his fore head and Amelia in 2020 a beautiful little jennet foal with gray eyes. She is bred to Ladies' Man for a 2023 foal.
Sire: Itsy Bitsy Burro Co. Jet Pilot, 30 1/2", Black
Dam: Short ASSets Party Doll, 32", Brown and White Spotted

Foaled: 9.1.04 Height: 32 1/2" Color: Gray and White Spotted
Jetsplash is a correct, big boned, blocky jennet. Her adorable 2020 foal was Mabeline, a light gray blocky little jennet. Jetsplash has been exposed to Badlands for a 2023 foal.
Sire: Itsy Bitsy Burro Co. Jet Pilot, 30 1/2", Black
Dam: Itsy Bitsy Burro Co. Lordus, 32 1/2", Gray and White Spotted

Foaled: 8.3.16 Height: 30" Color: Red
Ester has matured to be a beautiful little jennet. She has produced a tiny, jennet foal, Scarlett in 2019 and an adorable MSF jennet foal, String of Pearls, by Kryptonite in 2021 that has been retained for breeding. We have retained Scarlett for a future brood jennet. Ester looks a lot like her sturdy dam, Glow. She is small, but blocky. Ester has been exposed to Kryptonite for a 2023 foal.
Sire: Ass-pirin Acres Live Wire, 30 3/4", Red
Dam: Jalan's Morning Glow, 31", Red

Foaled: 5-18-18 Height: 30" Color: Dark Red
Nelly is a very unique, rich, dark red like her sire. She was named after Kim's great grandmother. She has pronounced garters on her legs. Her body type is blocky like her sire and dam, legs are correct. Cornelia was awarded NMDA Grand Champion Jennet and High Point Green Donkey at the 2021 Music City Donkey Show in TN. Cornelia produced a small dark brown jennet, Cornelia is bred to Kryptonite for a 2023 foal.
Sire: Itsy Bitsy Ladies Man, 30", Red
Dam: HHAA Drama Queen, 31 1/2", Dark Red

Foaled: 6.19.09 Height: 31 1/2" Color: Gray Dun
Evangeline is a beautiful, classic, steel gray jennet with a very blocky body type. She has a prominent cross and rings around her eyes. She has had an adorable dark jack foal, FHF American Idol who has been retained as a junior herd sire. Evangeline is bred to Nite for a 2023 foal.
Sire: Gardner's TJ Buford, 29 3/4", Dark Brown
Dam: Gardner's Charlotte B, 32", Gray Dun
FHF Adelma

Foaled: 7/27/19 Height: 27 3/4" at 1 year Color: Red
Adelma is out of HHAA Drama Queen who is an example of the conformation we are looking for in our breeding program. A strong and blocky build with a feminine head. Adelma was awarded Champion Junior Jennet and NMDA Grand Champion Junior Jennet at the 2021 Music City Show in Tennessee. Adelma has been exposed to Kryptonite for a 2023 foal.
Sire: Itsy Bitsy Ladies' Man, 30", Red
Dam: HHAA Drama Queen, 31 1/2", Light Red
FHF Bernadette

Foaled: 8/9/19 Height: 29 1/4" at 1 year Color: Red
Bernie is an interesting color somewhere between dark red and nutmeg. Her dam is one of the heaviest boned jennets that we have. Her legs are correct and she has a deep hip and round hind end. Bernadette has been bred to Kryptonite for an early 2023 foal.
Sire: Itsy Bitsy Ladies' Man, 30", Dark Red
Dam: Jalan's Morning Glow, 30 3/4", Light Red
FHF Scarlett

Foaled: 6/7/19 Height: 30" at 3 year Color: Red
Scarlett was a first foal for Ester. She is a brilliant dark red. Scarlett has been bred to Nite for a 2023 foal.
Sire: Itsy Bitsy Ladies' Man, 30", Dark Red
Dam: FHF Ester, 31 1/4", Red